Freight Health Checkup

Do you want your business to perform better when it comes to freight & logistics?

Do you want to save money and time and make your business more competitive?

Do you want to keep up with the expectations of your customers? 

These 10 multi choice questions will help you assess the health of your business’ freight and logistics.

How often do you review your freight and logistics processes & pricing?

Has your freight profile changed since COVID?

Where does your freight go? (select all that apply)

What is your approximate weekly freight spend?

Do you currently have more than one freight option in place?

Do the quotes you receive from your freight provider match the final invoice?

How long does it take you to get a freight quote to a new destination?

How long do you spend chasing up issues with your current freight provider?

How many freight invoices do you receive each week?

Are you aware of the latest technology available to assist you with your freight and logistics?