

By March 18, 2020 March 23rd, 2020 No Comments

Customer Notice: COVID-19

With the Coronavirus situation continuing to deteriorate, we wanted to update you on the steps we are taking around risk mitigation and maintaining business as usual to support our customers.


Carriers have enhanced hygiene and sanitation across all operations:

  • This includes provisions of personal hand sanitizers for ground and customer-facing couriers.
  • They have also established regular cycles of sanitation and disinfection of workplaces.
  • Some carriers are conducting regular temperature checks and health screenings of customer facing employees.

Signing for Deliveries

Some carriers have temporarily updated their delivery protocol to respect the choice of receivers who do not want to sign for packages by touching scanners and for drivers that do not want to make contact with receivers.  In these instances, the driver will make a note of the receivers name, or the package may be processed as an Authority to Leave delivery, a photo may be taken of the item at the door and/or a note of Covid-19 made on the delivery.


It’s business as usual for our team, however, you may experience some changes in how you interact with us.

We’ll have a number of staff working from home to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus, and our team’s in a good place to support this.  There may be some delays in call wait times as our employees manage your enquiries.

Customer visits will be kept to a minimum, with the majority of interaction to be made through virtual means.

The most important thing for all of us right now is put our people and customers first, and to remain compassionate and listen to the advice of health authorities.



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